2020 Ethernet Network true put speed comparison chart list Cat 5, Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6a, Cat7, Cat8

2020 Ethernet Network true put speed comparison chart list Cat 5, Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6a, Cat7, Cat8

One way to increase frequency characteristics is to have more twists, more twists provides higher frequency characteristics. Another way to increase frequency characteristics is by using individually shielded pairs.

As technology advances the demand for increased data speeds will continue to grow and manufacturers will continue to develop twisted pair cables that can support those higher speeds.

Here are the current Category standards for twisted pair cables:

CAT 3 – 1 MHz, 10 Mbps

CAT 5/5e – 100 MHz, 100 Mbps

CAT 6 – 250 MHz, 1 Gbps

CAT 7 – 600 MHz, 10 Gbps

CAT 7a – 1000 MHz, 10 Gbps+

CAT 8 – 2000MHz, 40Gbps

Category 8 Standard
As you can see by the Category standards above, you can expect CAT 8 to provide better frequency characteristics, therefore supporting higher speeds of data. CAT 8 is capable of supporting bandwidths of up to 2 GHz (2000 MHz) for up to 30 meters of cabling. Cat8 can also support 25Gbps/ 40Gbs speeds. The physical appearance of CAT 8 cable is similar to lower category cables and still terminated in RJ45 connections.

Where can you buy CAT 8? (UPDATED)


We are happy to announce that our CAT 8 cable is available now !

Zello Repeater 11m setup

Zello Repeater 11m setup

I was able to do a test with Kurt's / 16 OZ 457 in Belgium , using his ZELLO radio Gateway / Repeater ... I started out using the software installed on my netbook , then switched to my XYL's Samsung Galaxy ( yep , she has a better phone than i do ) , with the ZELLO App installed  .... I was connected to Kurt's Gateway using the phone that is connected to my wireless network . Unfortunately , propagation wasnt strong enough for me to hear my own voice back on the frequency ( 27.560 usb ) , but you can hear Bob from Florida on both the Phone and his direct signal on the radio .

Look for the Channel 27.555 ... Click on Tools , then Click on Add a Channel .... Type in 27.555

Raspeberry Pi updates

Open the Terminal app on your Raspeberry Pi, then run each command below:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y rpi-chromium-mods
sudo apt-get install -y python-sense-emu python3-sense-emu
sudo apt-get install -y python-sense-emu-doc realvnc-vnc-viewer

Raspberry Pi Recording Audio

Raspberry Pi Recording Audio

At least with the CM-Headphone type adapter, you can also record audio.
 arecord --device=hw:1,0 --format S16_LE --rate 44100 -c1 test.wav

Will record signed 16-bit (S16_LE) audio at 44100 Hz (--rate 44100) mono (-c1) audio to test.wav. We've noted that any audio input will be echoed out the speakers as well

You can have a little VU meter show up if you add to the-V mono command line. Press control-C to quit
Once you're done recording you can play back with
aplay --device=plughw:1,0 test.wav

Using a USB Audio Device With a Raspberry Pi

Using a USB Audio Device With a Raspberry Pi

My previous tutorial on the Raspberry Pi, Using a Raspberry Pi as an AirPlay Receiver, made use of the device’s built-in 3.5mm jack for audio output. This, however, produces sound that is mediocre at best and if you’re wanting to use the Raspberry Pi for any amount of audio listening, it’s going to have to produce a better quality of audio. We’re not going to squeeze much more out of the built-in components so, in this tutorial, I’ll explain how to set up and configure a cheap USB sound card as the Raspberry Pi’s default audio output device, providing a better quality, and volume, audio.
This tutorial will follow on from my previous tutorial, Using a Raspberry Pi as an AirPlay Receiver. It will be expected that you have completed this tutorial and your Raspberry Pi is currently able to act as an AirPlay receiver, albeit with its built-in audio output.
Back in the good old days, most audio devices needed their own set of drivers and software to work. This often proved very frustrating for end-users and developers alike.
The reason for this is that many devices from different manufacturers actually use the same chipset, the physical components that make up the device. This is what the drivers and software are for and you’ll often find that a number of different audio devices from many manufacturers will use the exact same chipset, the only difference between them will usually just be the branding.
Nowadays, most modern operating systems and audio devices have no such requirements as most chipsets work to an accepted standard, and since most manufacturers will make use of the same small number of chipsets, providing widespread support is far easier. There are certainly a small number of more specialised audio devices that require additional software but any generic audio output device is usually just plug-and-play

Live mp3 streaming from audio-in with DarkIce and Icecast2 on Raspberry Pi

Live mp3 streaming from audio-in with DarkIce and Icecast2 on Raspberry Pi

As a response to my lastest article about Streaming audio with MPD and Icecast2 on Raspberry Pi, I was asked for some ideas about live streaming. I took the chance to plug in an usb audio device with microphone to RasPi and tried to get it working.

Update (2012/08/11): Added a step to update package version number and added "devscripts" to the list of suggested packages .
What you need to have
  • Raspberry Pi with Raspbian installed,
  • USB sound stick with an input device,
  • DarkIce to capture audio from the audio input and send it to Icecast2,
  • Icecast2 to distribute the audio stream. 

Darkice ogg buffer file darkice.cfg:commented out

Darkice ogg buffer file darkice.cfg:commented out in the config

Basically if you run Darkice for 3 hours you'll have a 3 hour ogg buffer file eating up your disk space even though pre-buffering only really requires 10 - 15 seconds of audio per client.

localDumpFile for some reason it's enabled in my configuration file.
I had assumed it was required for pre-buffering but looking at this again perhaps it wasn't needed.

commented out in my config

Darkice Starting automatically on boot

Darkice Starting automatically on boot

Recently I had to install darkice on Ubuntu 12.04 (and 13.10) and faced a problem many other users has: Darkice won't start on boot, Darkice won't start using "service darkice start/stop" method.

There was a few suggestions using cron and custom scripts.

I figured out how to do it natively, in Ubuntu-way and want to share my experience with community.


So. There are few problems with Darkice startup script (/init.d/darkice) provided by package system.

1) It does not create Darkice PID-file on start.
2) It Does not delete Darkice PID-file on stop.
3) It fail to check whether process is running or not.
4) Darkice can not start on boot properly (even if startup script was properly modified).


Simple To-Do list:

(changed files published at the end of this post)

Streaming to a SHOUTcast server with Pi

I've had a search around in the forums, there are people doing similar projects to what I am hoping to acheive, but in reverse and using the Pi as a server as opposed to an encoder.

What I'm looking to do, is using my Model B Pi (512MB Edition), capture audio from my USB sound card device, and stream it to a Shoutcast server to broadcast.

I've heard of "MuSE" however from what i've looked at, it appears more of a multi-track sound editor rather than stream encoder.

I could just be looking in the wrong place within the software, but I thought it's definately worth asking here, there's bound to be somebody who knows what to do.

How to Set Up WiFi on the Raspberry Pi 3

How to Set Up WiFi on the Raspberry Pi 3

The Raspberry Pi 3 comes with an on-board 802.11n Wireless LAN adapter, which means that it’s no longer necessary to purchase a separate WiFi dongle. It’s also quite a bit easier to set up. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up WiFi from the command line or from the Raspbian desktop.

Starting Darkice automatically Raspberry Pi to stream

Starting Darkice automatically Raspberry Pi to stream

I have installed and configured darkice in Raspbian and it works fine if I run it with "sudo darkice". I want to run darkice automatically so I tried to run it via daemontools with the following steps but it is not working. please help.

 Starting Darkice automatically on boot
Starting Darkice automatically Raspberry Pi to stream